Rory Block, Woman of the Blues – Elmore Magazine

Photos:Sergio Kurhajec

Widely regarded as the top female interpreter and authority on traditional country blues, on March 27, six-time Blues Music Award-winner Rory Block will release the second installment of her “Power Women of the Blues” album series with Prove It on Me. The first, A Woman’s Soul, offered her tribute to the legendary Bessie Smith, and in this second chapter Block pays homage to some of the lesser-known—but still groundbreaking—blues women.

“Power Women of the Blues” continues Block’s longstanding mission to identify, celebrate and honor the early founders—men and women—of the blues, including some of her all-time favorites who were shrouded in mystery during the ’60s blues revival, while the recordings of others had simply disappeared. The tributes are particularly relevant to Stony Plain Records because they have all of these releases on their label.

Block’s Memphis Minnie cover brings the historical relationship down to the very personal. Block told Elmore, “Memphis Minnie’s ‘In My Girlish Days’ is a powerful tale of survival. Having myself been a runaway at 15, raising a child alone by 17, lost and living on the edge of society in my own ‘Girlish Days,’ Memphis Minnie’s compelling song spoke directly into my heart with words that rocked my world: ‘Oh daughter, look what a shame on you… but I didn’t know no better, in my girlish days.’ Memphis Minnie pulled through, and in the end looked back in wisdom, triumphing, while at the same time holding fast to her ‘Girlish Ways,’ proof of her vitality and strength. This moving song speaks to me and probably a lot of other women too—who survived to see better times—where compassion, not condemnation, prevails. I always say ‘We’re in this thing together,’ and ‘In My Girlish Days’ embodies that spirit.”

Learn more about Rory Block HERE